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Intersection Page 4

  Cassidy paced behind her desk waiting for her next class to arrive. She looked at the old fashioned chalk board behind her and stepped up to it to write. ‘How do you tell a GREAT story?’ She wrote the words and set the chalk back in its place. She looked out at the empty desks and sighed. How did her life get so complicated? A head poked around the door, “Mrs. O.?”

  “James…come in.”

  “Hey…ummm,” the boy was about 15 but nearly six feet tall already.

  “What is it, James?” He walked up to her desk and put a paper on it. “What’s this?” She asked. Alex had just reached the doorway. It was time for her to visit Cassidy’s school to assess the risk and she was dreading it. She watched silently, staying just behind the classroom door that lay ajar.

  James looked up at the words she had scrawled on the board. Several days earlier she had written the words ‘Why should you tell your story’ “I was thinking,” he said, “about what you said.”

  “What was that?” Cassidy asked the boy.

  “That sometimes, if you tell your story it helps you understand your feelings….and sometimes it can even help someone else.”

  Cassidy picked up the paper and glanced at the title, ‘I Am Happy I Have Two Moms’. She smiled and looked at him.

  “I thought…well, I wanted you to read it.”

  Cassidy looked at the boy to convey her pride. “Of course I will read it.”

  “I don’t talk about it, you know… I mean the team knows, but maybe I should… you know… so I thought I would write about it… you know…first.”

  Cassidy took a gentle hold of the boy’s arm. “I think that’s a great idea, James. I will read it tonight.”

  “You can keep that one,” he said with a smile. “But… will you tell me…. What you think?”

  “Sure I will… but what really matters is what YOU think, James… how YOU feel about it. Just remember that.”

  “Thanks, teach,” he left with a bounce in his step.

  Alex smiled as the lanky boy nearly skipped past her. She watched as Cassidy picked up the paper again and saw the woman’s face light up. ‘My God, she is beautiful,’ Alex thought silently. Cassidy had started sifting through some other papers as Alex entered the room. She stood still and tried to catch her breath. “Hey,” was all she could summon.

  Cassidy looked up and saw the agent looking back at her. She wanted to be angry. She was angry, but Alex wasn’t the reason and she knew that. She just didn’t know how to say it now. “Hey yourself,” she said, unable to contain the grin that Alex seemed to provoke. She hated this whole situation, but her mother was right, Alex was there to help. This was her job.

  “I wanted you to know I was here,” Alex said as a bell rang and the halls immediately began to fill.

  “Thanks,” Cassidy said. “I appreciate that.”

  “I promise, no inquisition,” Alex crossed her heart as students began to poor in.

  Cassidy tried not to laugh. “I’ll hold you to that,” she said. Alex nodded and headed out the door getting knocked by several students in the process. Cassidy watched her leave, and suddenly realized that she was looking forward to going home.

  The lens was not fitting on the camera properly. “DAMMIT!” The man yelled in frustration. He held his breath and tried again, attempting to steady his hand. He carefully and slowly turned the lens until he heard a click and then exhaled. He picked up a pack of Marlboro’s and fished out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a long drag. He put the camera in its case and then caressed the case lovingly. The phone began ringing on the desk behind him but he seemed lost in his exploration of the camera case. The ringing continued and he looked over at the desk. He released his grip from the case and made his way to pick up the receiver of the old fashioned rotary phone.

  “Hello…..No…No… an assignment…yes, to take some photos…fine…..not tomorrow…..Sunday….fine.” He hung up the phone and went back to retrieve his camera case. “Assignment,” he said to himself with a sly smile.

  Cassidy walked into the living room and greeted her mother. “Hey mom,” she said tossing her bag down and flopping onto the sofa, exhausted. She looked around a bit, wondering if the agent was still out.

  “How was your day?” Rose asked.

  “It was all right. I am glad it’s the weekend,” she confessed. “Alex here?”

  Rose smiled and put a toy in the toy box. “No, she was…said she would be back shortly…..seemed a bit mysterious about it,” she laughed. “Must be the FBI thing.”

  “Maybe,” Cassidy said pulling off her shoes. “Are you staying for dinner?”

  “Why? What are you making?” Rose joked.

  “As tired as I am it might be macaroni and cheese and hot dogs… a Dylan delicacy.”

  “Think I’ll pass on that one. Let me know when it is caviar,” Rose suggested.

  “Second Tuesday of next week…be here,” Cassidy offered.

  Alex stood at the counter waiting patiently and sipping a glass of water. “Sure you don’t want a drink while you wait?” The bartender asked.

  “No, thanks.” She was swirling an ice cube around in her glass when something caught her attention.

  Big vote coming in the house next Tuesday. Congressman Christopher O’Brien has been working overtime to muster support for the bi-partisan initiative, but with his private life tarnished does he have the influence?

  Alex looked up at the monitor and saw the congressman and Cassidy during the last election.

  “Crazy,” the bartender said.

  “What’s that?” Alex asked.

  “Tarnished… Hell they’ve practically sainted the man. Personally, anyone who lets that woman go has a screw loose.” Alex looked back at the monitor as the image was just changing and felt the bartender’s comment lodge in her chest. She agreed. “All set,” the bartender said as he handed the agent two large boxes.

  Alex started to reach for them when she felt a strong bump in her back. “Hey!” She yelped as a matter of reaction. The man did not speak. His eyes were focused on the ground where a beer had crashed and spilled from his clumsy collision with the agent and another customer. Alex bent over and picked up the case that was lying in the small puddle and handed it to the man. He glanced at her for a second and immediately looked away, swiftly heading for the exit. “You’re welcome…” Alex called after him. She turned back toward the bar to retrieve her boxes shaking her head.

  “Nut,” the bartender said watching the man leave.

  “Thanks again,” Alex said.

  “Next time, stay a while,” the bartender winked.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “You’re sure you don’t want to stay for my improvisational cooking?” Cassidy asked, not wanting to move from her current position on the sofa.

  “Tempting, but no,” Rose laughed. “I have a date with a nice glass of wine and some takeout sushi.”

  “You’re back!” A small voice yelled as the front door closed.

  “Looks that way, huh?” Alex replied.

  “What’s that?” The boy asked.

  Alex stepped into the living room holding two large pizza boxes. Cassidy looked over at her and cocked her head with an inquisitive squint. Alex held out the boxes, “peace offering.”

  “Well… you certainly have good timing,” Rose laughed. “You just saved yourself from starvation, I think.” Cassidy shot her mother a playful look of disdain. Rose just shrugged. “I’m off kiddos.”

  “Are you leaving?” The agent asked.

  “I am. I have a hot date with some cold sushi. I’ll see you Monday.”

  Alex looked at Cassidy as Rose left and noticed that she looked a bit pale. “You feeling all right?” She asked with genuine concern.

  “Yes, just tired. Long few days, I guess.”

  Dylan was standing under the pizza boxes attempting to determine what they might be. Alex looked underneath them at him and then back at his mother. “Well, I’ll tell you what�
�� why don’t you go change and Dylan and I will get these all set.”

  Cassidy could hardly believe Alex’s gesture. “You don’t have to do that… I mean Dylan…”

  Alex interrupted her. “Dylan and I, we got this, don’t we?”

  The boy peeked out and nodded at his mother who laughed. “Okay, then.”

  “Good… Just come on down when you are ready,” Alex said.

  It was such a welcome surprise for Cassidy. She couldn’t believe it as she climbed the stairs. She couldn’t remember the last time she was able to just relax for even a few minutes, unless she was asleep. She put on a pair of gray sweat pants and a sweatshirt and sighed at the relief she felt in them. She heard Dylan laughing downstairs as she entered the hallway and she stopped to listen. “You see… if the pepper is the hurdle and the hamburger is you…. You have to run really fast and make sure you take big steps so you can make it over the pepper. I mean the hurdle… if you don’t, well then you have pepper and hamburger on top of each other… and that is just NOT good.”

  Cassidy shook her head and laughed. Alex was actually illustrating hurdles with their pizza. Dylan was still laughing and she could only imagine what the agent’s demonstration had looked like. She made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen where she was greeted by a small boy with a towel draped over his arm. He looked back at Alex who gave him a nod. “Dinner is served,” he said to his mother who fought to contain her laughter.

  “Why thank you, Sir,” she said as he led her to the table. She looked at Alex who was watching with great satisfaction and found herself locked momentarily on the agent’s blue eyes.

  Alex caught herself and looked at the pizza. “I didn’t know what you liked so… one is half veggie and half meat and the other is half Hawaiian and half cheese. Figured that covered most of the bases.”

  Cassidy sat down at the table. “It’s perfect…and not necessary.” Alex opened her mouth to say something but Cassidy continued before she had the chance. “But it is appreciated,” she looked back at Alex. “So…how was YOUR day?” Cassidy asked the agent.

  “Other than the klutz who ran into me where I got the pizza, uneventful, I am happy to say.”

  Cassidy smiled. “And you, Dylan?”

  The boy was eating a piece of Hawaiian pizza and seemed completely consumed by the task. He shrugged, “unementmul.”

  Cassidy laughed. “Looks like you have a fan,” she said to the agent who just smiled. ‘Maybe more than one,’ she thought to herself.

  “I don’t want to go to bed,” Dylan griped.

  “Well, I’m sorry, buddy…. Your dad will be here early and it’s bed time,” Cassidy directed. He looked over at the agent who was wiping off the table. Cassidy could tell he was wondering if Alex would still be there when he got up. “Alex will still be here in the morning.” Alex smiled at the boy and he sighed heavily. “Say good night, Dylan.”

  He walked over to the agent and put his arms around her waist. “Good night,” he said with a squeeze.

  Alex was taken aback by his affection at first but quickly responded with a pat on his head. “Good night, Speed Racer,” she smiled.

  Cassidy looked at them and wondered if that nickname had come from the agent’s earlier pizza slash hurdling lesson. Dylan ran past Cassidy and up the stairs. “Thanks,” Cassidy grinned at the agent.

  “Least I could do.”

  “No…it was far more than you had to do,” Cassidy said. She suddenly felt her heart begin to quicken as the agent held her gaze. “And, I owe you an apology.”

  Alex shook her head. “No…seeing the good in people is not something to apologize for.”

  “Well, I am sorry for taking my frustration out on you.”

  “No apology necessary,” Alex smiled.

  Cassidy stood frozen for a moment looking at the agent before she pulled her stare toward the hallway. “I’ll take care of all of this once he is settled in bed.”

  Alex raised an eyebrow. “I told you; I got this. I can handle empty pizza boxes and you already know I am dishwasher savvy ...Get some rest.”

  “Alex, you don’t have to…”

  “Yeah… I do… and I want to… least I can do for intruding in your life.”

  Cassidy nodded at the sentiment and started to leave before she stopped herself. “For the record, Agent Toles,” Alex looked at the woman staring back at her as Cassidy finished her thought. “It’s a welcome intrusion. I’m glad you are here,” she said as she continued on her way out of the kitchen.

  ‘Me too,’ the agent thought to herself, ‘me too.’

  lex stood in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and reading a file at the counter. She was in jeans and a white blouse, her hair no longer pulled back in a ponytail, but falling freely on her shoulders. Cassidy entered the room and felt her entire body freeze. Alex was gorgeous and Cassidy was noticing it. “Good morning,” Cassidy said trying to process whatever this was she was feeling.

  “Hey, there,” Alex smiled. “Did you get some sleep?”

  “I did, actually. Dylan slept through the night for a change.” Alex looked at the woman curiously while she reached into the cabinet and pulled down a mug for Cassidy. “Thanks… yeah… he’s been having some nightmares.”

  Alex never dismissed anything as unimportant. She searched Cassidy and saw her concern. “What kind of nightmares?” The agent asked cautiously.

  Cassidy’s gaze narrowed for an instant but then she let the hint of a smile show. She had fallen asleep thinking about how Dylan had laughed harder than she had heard in a while with the agent and she knew whatever Alex was asking it was out of concern. “I don’t really know…he’s six, but he says he sees lights in his room… red lights and white lights and he gets scared.” Alex sipped her coffee slowly. Cassidy noted that the agent’s expression seemed to tighten. “What is it?” Cassidy asked nervously.

  Alex set down the mug and shook her head. “Nothing…. Just something his principal said.”

  “What?” Cassidy said, growing worried.

  “Sounds like cameras… you know… flashes,” she explained. “Obnoxious,” she muttered.

  “Oh my God…I never put that together…I can’t believe…”

  Alex looked at the woman with reassurance. “Why would you? It’s what I do…..just seems unfair… he’s just a kid.”

  Cassidy grinned. Alex was clearly irritated by the idea that the press had upset Dylan and she found that incredibly endearing. “He likes you,” Cassidy said.

  “He’s a neat kid,” Alex responded taking another sip of her coffee and straightening the papers in her file.

  “Always working?” Cassidy inquired.

  Alex shrugged slightly, “well, let’s just say I always have homework.”

  Cassidy laughed at the explanation. “Understood.” She started back out of the kitchen with her coffee in hand. “I have to go get Dylan ready….Chris will be here in an hour. Guess that means I will get to meet your partner too.”

  “Lucky you,” Alex kidded. Cassidy just smiled. She was curious what she might learn about the agent during the brief visit.

  Alex was sitting on the floor with Dylan who was busy explaining how his trucks could be superheroes when the doorbell rang. Alex watched as the blonde woman’s posture stiffened and she took in a deep breath. Cassidy dreaded Saturday mornings. She hated being apart from Dylan and seeing her ex-husband was still uncomfortable. They had been together since Cassidy was a freshman in college. He was graduate student and a TA for a class she was taking in Political Science. He was handsome and intelligent and passionate. He had noticed her immediately and she loved his attention. He made her laugh and she was drawn in by his charisma and intellect. The truth was that she loved him, in her own way, but she wondered if she had ever been in love; with anyone. He showed her a whole new world and she reveled in that, but she never felt connected to him in the way she imagined real love would feel. Perhaps it was just the romantic in her; that’s what sh
e told herself for many years. Over time, and after Dylan, she just couldn’t keep up the facade. He was away most of the time, always worried about moving up and frequently seen in the company of other women. She enjoyed the adventure of meeting new people and travel, but she had grown tired of feeling like an afterthought in his life and she needed to be herself. With a deep breath she opened the door and smiled. “Chris…”

  “Cassie,” he said. “How are you?”

  “Fine,” she answered as she watched him head into the living room. She noticed the man walking behind him. He had a kind face, she thought, as he extended his hand.

  “You must be Alex’s partner,” she said. “Nice to meet you,” the teacher offered her hand.

  “And you, Mrs. O’Brien.”

  “Just Cassidy…come in… please… I think my son is torturing your partner with Tonka trucks in the living room,” she giggled.

  “Fallon, Agent Brian Fallon,” he answered following her through the large doorway.

  Alex had managed to reach her feet and Dylan was chatting up his father. “Daddy… I won a ribbon, but Alex… she won ribbons too,” he said turning to point to the tall woman standing behind him.

  The congressman smiled. “I’ve heard a great deal about you, Age… I mean…Ms. Toles… you have a very powerful fan base,” he extended his hand.

  Alex nodded her appreciation. “Don’t believe everything you hear,” she commented, beginning to make her way across the room to Fallon. Cassidy looked on unaware of the smile that completely overtook her face. Dylan was acting out Alex’s hurdle scenario to his father with his trucks. As Alex approached, the two women locked eyes. Cassidy’s smile grew a little wider and she made her way toward Dylan and his father to give the partner’s some space. “Fallon,” Alex said.

  “Playing with Tonka trucks? You feeling okay?” He jested.

  “Funny,” she said. “Anything to report?”

  “No…not really…not yet… but I think you’re right…I mean about it being personal.” Alex looked over at the family that had gathered in the center of the room. She unconsciously bit her bottom lip and scratched her head with her thumb, a signal to Fallon that she was worried. He had seen that before. Agent Toles was watching the group very closely and Fallon noted that her gaze focused squarely on Mrs. O’Brien. “So, is she as difficult as they say?”