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Intersection Page 38

  Cassidy nodded. “Can we look upstairs?”

  “Of course.” The agent led the teacher up the stairs and watched as Cassidy slowly moved from each room until they reached the last room at the end of the hallway. It was the smallest room with a slanted ceiling and a skylight. Cassidy stood in the middle of the room and looked up. “Are you all right?” The agent asked.

  Engaging green eyes looked to the agent’s and Cassidy smiled. “I love you, Alex.” Alex seemed confused and the teacher let a soft laugh emerge. “I can’t decide anything now.” Alex nodded her understanding. Cassidy could see just a hint of disappointment in Alex’s eyes that she knew the agent was determined to keep concealed. She made her way to the beautiful dark haired woman across the room and put her arms around Alex’s neck. “I just need to breathe, so much is…”

  The agent interrupted her lover’s thought with a sweet kiss of understanding. “It’s okay, Cass. Now you’ve seen it. You don’t have to decide anything right now.”

  “Alex, this isn’t just my decision,” the teacher reminded the agent.

  “Yes. It is.”

  “No. No, it’s not. It’s our decision.” The words penetrated Alex in a way that she could not have anticipated. Gentle eyes caught the agent’s expression and Cassidy took both of her lover’s hands in her own. “I just need to think, before we can talk….about school, my school, about my students. Alex…and Dylan…I just need to…”

  “I know,” Alex said. “I don’t care where we live, Cassidy. Whatever you….”

  Again the teacher shook her head. “Alex, there is no me in this, it’s we. Okay?” The agent started to speak and Cassidy stopped her. “I can see it in your eyes. I promise we’ll talk about all of it. I promise. I just need to process all of this.”

  Alex kissed the woman’s forehead. “I’m not going anywhere, Cass….We can stay at Nick’s this week.”

  “I have to figure out Dylan’s….”

  “What if I told you I got Dylan’s assignments for the week already?” Cassidy looked at the agent in surprise. “Mmm. What if I told you that Barb spoke to Cat’s school and Dylan can go to the after school program the next few days? You know, so at least he gets to see some kids.” Cassidy’s eyes began to water. “What’s wrong?” Alex asked.

  “Nothing…nothing…I just can’t…..when did you…..”

  “I had Barb make the calls yesterday.” The agent answered.

  “When yesterday?” Cassidy asked.

  “When I was on the way to Andrews.”

  “The Air Force Base?” The couple had not truly had a chance to discuss the details of Alex’s return in all of the chaos and emotion of the last twenty-four hours.

  “Yeah… That’s how I got here…”

  “Alex… you’re on suspension…”

  “You forget. I have friends.” The small blonde woman reached up and brought the agent’s lips to her own. Alex gave over to the wonderful sensation that Cassidy’s kiss and touch always commanded. “What was that for?’

  “Just for being you.”

  The agent smiled. “Well…Why don’t we head back? I’m sure Nicky will be back with Dylan from the restaurant and the beach tour by the time we get there.”

  Cassidy took a deep breath and sighed. “Alex will you promise me one thing?”


  “Whatever we decide… we’ll tell Dylan together.”

  “Of course…. Just be prepared.”

  “For what?” Cassidy asked.

  “For him to send you down the aisle,” Alex laughed. Cassidy shook her head and placed it against the agent’s chest with a smile. There were so many things to consider she couldn’t imagine where to begin. Somehow just that one sentiment; the idea that Dylan wanted them together; made the teacher understand that whatever was to come to pass they would be all right.

  “Congressman! Congressman! Over here! Sir!” A barrage of questions and swirling voices all demanding attention filled the air.

  “Over there…Rick,” the congressman pointed.

  “Congressman… how do you feel about your ex-wife’s new relationship?”

  “Well, Rick…. Cassidy is her own person….as we all know,” Christopher O’Brien joked.

  “But…was that a reason for your divorce?”

  The congressman pretended to ponder the question carefully. It most certainly was not a cause of his marriage’s demise. If anyone knew the truth it was Christopher O’Brien. The press certainly was aware of his many infidelities, or at least the implication of those affairs. Cassidy had never made public comments about the marriage. That was not a courtesy the congressman intended to return to his ex-wife. “Well, Rick, I support Cassidy in her decisions.” Snap and click the cameras popped off as more questions and similar cryptic yet interpretable answers were given.

  “Jesus,” Pete Ferro muttered under his breath. “Is this guy for real?”

  Agent Fallon shook his head. “What the hell?” He said watching a clip from the news conference. “Why would he do that? After everything she’s been through…. I mean…”

  “Guy’s a prick. That’s why,” Ferro said turning off the television and reaching across the coffee table in Cassidy’s living room for a piece of paper. “So, who do you think it leads to?” He looked at Fallon. “Other than that jerk,” he nodded toward the television.

  “Well...whoever Fisher met with on Sunday is the key. He met with that person here…in New York. So I doubt it could be Brackett and it can’t be O’Brien either.”

  “Hummm.” Ferro groaned. “Could it be FBI?”

  “What?” Fallon snapped in surprise.

  Ferro shrugged. “Well, Fallon… look at that. You saw it. Why would he have FBI credentials?”

  “He was a spook, Ferro… I agree it’s strange…”

  “No, it’s not just strange. It’s a trail. He met with someone. He has an FBI badge he shouldn’t have…if it smells like…”

  Brian Fallon ran his hand back and forth over the top of his head. Ferro was right. He took out his cell phone and dialed. “Toles?”

  “Hey, Fallon,” Alex said lightly, glancing to Cassidy across the car with a smile of reassurance.

  “Sorry,” he apologized realizing that Cassidy was clearly nearby.

  “No…she’s doing better, thanks,” Alex said.

  “She’s right there, isn’t she?”

  “Yeah…we’re going to stay at Nicky’s this week.”

  “I understand. Toles… He had FBI clearance…met with someone it appears in the field office on Sunday, and Toles the badge…the ID number? It looks like it was meant to get him… well, as cover.”

  “Wow.” Alex said making certain to keep her tone even. “Well, I hope you can get back to D.C. soon. Kate’s going to kill me.”

  “Look Toles…I’ll work it the best I can but your contacts might….”

  “I’ll check in with you. Tell Kate I am sorry,” Alex offered. “I owe her a dinner.”

  “I got it. Alex, I do hope Cassidy is okay…with the congressman’s news conference and all.”

  Alex was stunned. “What?”

  “You didn’t know?” He asked.


  Fallon sighed. “Shit, Alex…I’m sorry.”

  The agent sighed. This she could not hide from Cassidy. “What did he say?”

  There was a brief and hollow silence before Fallon exhaled. “Nothing specific, and that said everything.”

  “Christ.” Alex kept her left hand on the wheel and her right thumb moved to her temple. The woman in the seat next to her took notice and looked at Alex with concern.

  “I’m sorry, Alex… I assumed you knew,” her partner said.

  Alex tried to press down her anger. “It’s all right, Fallon. Seriously, though…get home to Kate, okay?”

  Fallon rubbed his face in frustration. “Yeah. Alex, tell Cassidy… well… you know.”

  “Yeah…I do.” She hung up and felt the heat of Cassid
y’s gaze on her.

  “And?” Cassidy looked at her lover for an explanation of the conversation she had just overheard. “Alex… whatever it is…”

  “He held a press conference.”

  “Chris?” Cassidy asked.


  “About what?” Alex stayed silent. “About us?” The teacher let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Of course he did, and he said nothing at all… which is exactly what will make them all think there was something to say, right?” There was still no response. Cassidy licked her lips and then shook her head.


  Cassidy laughed genuinely. “I don’t care.”

  “Yes you do,” Alex observed.

  “Alex… I don’t even want to talk about it. I’ll look when we get back.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t.”

  “Oh no… I want to know.” The teacher said flatly.

  Cassidy paced the room that she and Alex were sharing. The agent could tell that she was seething, but the teacher was determined to maintain control as she waited for an answer to her call. “Cassie,” the voice greeted with what seemed to be sincerity. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’m fantastic, Chris. Being tied to a chair, cut with a knife by a sadistic freak that worked on your campaign was one of the more rewarding experiences I’ve had in my life,” she offered with disgust.

  “I’m sorry that you went through that,” he said.

  “Really? That’s fascinating, Christopher.”

  The congressman took a deep breath. “Cassidy…I was worried about you.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “I’m sure.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t be there for Dylan’s birthday…”

  “Mmm… well… we won’t be home for Dylan’s birthday anyway, Chris.”

  “Oh? Are you staying with Agent Toles’ family then?” He asked.

  Cassidy pursed her lips and gripped the back of her neck. “We’re staying with family, yes.”

  He let out a slight chuckle. “I see….Well… if there’s anything…”

  “I think you’ve done quite enough.”

  “Cassie…what is this about?”

  The teacher had officially reached her limit with her ex-husband. “You know, Chris…I don’t really care what you want to say or do not want to say about me, about you, about whatever our marriage was to you; which right now, at this moment, I’m not certain ever meant a thing to you. But, I would’ve thought at the very least you would have considered Dylan.”

  He began to mount his defense. “I have no idea…”

  “I’m sure you don’t,” she answered sarcastically. “Listen, I have some decisions to make.”

  “Decisions? About what?”

  Cassidy smiled. “About my life and Dylan’s life.”

  “What does that mean?” He asked her.

  “It means what I said. I would appreciate it if you would be cautious about your actions for now. Dylan’s been through enough with your accident and now this.”

  “Cassidy…Dylan is always my priority,” he maintained.

  The teacher rolled her eyes. “You know, the saddest part of that statement, Christopher, is I actually think you believe that.”

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Well, Chris…You know… truth is just like politics, isn’t it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All about perception. Right?” She let the pause linger. “Look, I am going to be out of state for at least the next 5 days. Just do me a favor and call Dylan Saturday.”

  “It’s already on my calendar.”

  “I am sure it is. I’ll be in touch.” She hung up before he could answer.

  Alex watched and spoke cautiously, “Cass…if…”

  Cassidy held up her hand. “Alex…I need to take a walk.”

  Alex started to follow. “Okay…I’ll…”

  “No. I need to be alone...just out back… alright?”

  “Cass…” Alex did not love the idea of leaving the teacher alone.

  “Am I in danger?” Cassidy asked.

  Alex closed her eyes. “No.”

  “Then I need to take a walk.” Alex nodded. Cassidy tried to smile but her rage was sitting right at the surface. She slowly began to walk out of the room. She stopped, turned and took the agent’s hand. “I love you, Alex. I need you to know that. Right now I have to…”

  “I know,” the agent squeezed the smaller hand and released it. This was the hardest part. Letting Cassidy go for even a moment after the previous day’s events filled Alex with anxiety. This was something the woman she loved needed. The agent heard the edge in the generally gentle and compassionate voice of her lover. Cassidy needed time. Loving her meant giving it; no matter how hard that was. Alex took a deep breath as she heard Cassidy’s feet hit the stairs and she lifted her phone.

  “Taylor?” Alex began.

  “Toles…How are you? How’s Cassidy?” He asked with concern.

  “We’re all okay, Michael. Thanks.”

  “Well, I assume this is not a social call,” Michael Taylor said.

  “No. Fisher, he had FBI credentials on him.”

  “Are you sure?” Taylor asked.

  “Well…I haven’t seen them personally….but yes.”

  Taylor rolled in his chair. “Do you know where he….”

  “I haven’t seen any of it. Fallon says it looks like he was at the New York field office on Sunday.”

  He considered the new information carefully for a moment. “Huh…Okay, do you want me …..”

  Alex needed her friend’s help. For once, she could not place herself in the middle of the investigation; at least not yet. “Taylor…I need to be ….things here are…”

  “Yeah, I heard. Listen, Cap…I’ll see what I can do. What about the colonel?” Taylor suggested.

  “No…he’s already put himself too far out…. I can’t…”

  Taylor pushed some papers on his desk. “I got it. Alex?”


  “Think about my offer, okay?”

  Alex sighed. “Yeah.”

  assidy sat down on a swing at the back of the yard and rocked it gently as all of her thoughts and emotions swayed within. “Hey,” a voice called. “I don’t want to intrude.”

  “No…truth be told I could use the company,” the teacher admitted.

  Barb sat down on the swing next to her new friend and held onto the chains. “The boys went with Alex and your mom down to the pond.” Cassidy smiled and nodded. Dylan had been carrying on about catching frogs all morning. He wasn’t interested in hearing that summer would be a better time for that endeavor and she was certain that her mother and the agent would have their hands full.

  “Thank you…for everything,” Cassidy said appreciatively.

  “Oh, please, I am thrilled to have you here. Nick is so happy to have time with Alex, and Cat is excited to have Dylan to share his room.”

  Cassidy laughed. “I know. Dylan asked five minutes after Cat left for school this morning when he would be back. He loves it here.” The teacher’s eyes dropped to the ground and she sighed. “I know sometimes he is lonely.”

  Barb nodded. “Yeah, well, same for Cat. The only child thing.”

  Cassidy knew ‘the only child thing’ quite well. She was an only child and she always wanted a larger family for Dylan. “Not to pry,” Cassidy began. Barb smiled and let out a sigh. Cassidy studied her. “Barb?”

  “Haven’t told anyone yet,” she said. “It’s early…”

  The teacher beamed. “You’re pregnant.” Barb nodded. “That’s fantastic. Nick must be thrilled. I know Alex will be ecstatic to be an aunt again.”

  “Well, we would have told you both after Dylan’s birthday. I hadn’t planned on saying anything with all the…”

  “Nonsense. I could use some happy news. Looks like Cat will get to play big brother,” Cassidy offered with a slight hint of sadness in her voice that Barb noted.

  “Um, but
he’s eight. Big difference. I think he will prefer Dylan’s company in most cases.” Cassidy gave an appreciative grin to the woman. “So, what did you think of the house? If I can ask.”

  “I love it.” There was notable stress on the smaller woman’s face.

  “Change is hard,” Barb said.

  “Some,” she agreed with a sigh. “Can I be honest?”

  “Of course. I enjoy our talks, Cassidy. I’d like us to be family. I don’t have any sisters.”

  “Me too,” Cassidy chuckled. “I’m worried about my students, walking out on them. So many of them already have abandonment issues; you know?” The taller woman listened to her new friend in amazement as she began to voice her concerns. “And Dylan and his friends… and school…”

  “And?” Barb urged, sensing there was more.

  “Whew,” Cassidy let out an audible breath. “Alex. She’s uprooting her whole life and taking on so much with us, and honestly, walking through that house… I just shouldn’t be thinking…God, with everything that’s happened how can I? But when I walked in that last bedroom I just couldn’t help it… It’s insane.”

  Barb laughed. “That was Cat’s nursery.” She understood exactly what thoughts were passing through Cassidy’s mind and what fears.

  “I don’t want her to feel…”

  “Uh hum… pressured?”

  “Exactly,” Cassidy confirmed.

  “Cassidy, when I talked to Alex yesterday,” the teacher looked at her new friend closely. “Alex was…Well, I’ve never heard her like that. She was determined that everything would be taken care of for both you and Dylan, but she was scared. She tried to hide it but I’ve known her almost fourteen years. She loves you. Last night, when you were in bed and…” the woman stopped and considered her statements.

  “Go on,” Cassidy urged.

  “All she talked about was making things happier for you and Dylan. I think I heard her use the word ‘family’ more in that hour than in all the years I’ve known her. As far as moving… Well, she was worried about getting you away from the stress, the memories, the press… but,” Barb laughed, “she didn’t want you to feel pressured.”

  The teacher laughed out loud. “Quite the pair, huh?” Her friend smiled. “It’s crazy, if I think about it. It’s feels like we have always been together. Yesterday, I thought I was going to die,” she grew quiet as the thought passed through her. “Somehow I knew she would fight to protect Dylan, take care of him and I don’t even know how to respond to that. It’s been weeks, not years and I can’t imagine my life…”