Intersection Read online

Page 29

  The small blonde woman bit her lip and let out a soft moan, “I can’t finish if you…”

  “Mmm? If I?”


  Alex slowly pulled back and looked at the woman in front of her. She cleared all conscious thought and questions and looked into green eyes that had darkened slightly from desire. The agent smiled. “Be careful with your homework. I have plans to show you a different component of my ‘beside’ manner later,” Alex winked.

  Cassidy caught her breath as Alex smirked and began heading out of the room. “Where are you going?”

  “See what Dylan picked,” Alex shrugged. Cassidy shook her head. She was concerned about Alex’s obvious mood swing. But, it seemed that at least for the moment, the agent was in a good place. The agent had her plans for their evening, and so did Cassidy. She would find out the truth later with her own bedside manner.

  Cassidy leaned against the wall just outside her son’s bedroom and listened.


  “Yeah, Speed Racer?”

  “Are you really coming back?” He asked.

  “Yes.” She answered.

  “Will you miss us?”

  Alex sighed. She was already missing Cassidy and Dylan and she hadn’t even left yet. On the drive back from Fisher’s apartment she had seriously considered just quitting the bureau again; walking into the New York field office, putting her badge, I.D. and sidearm on a desk and walking away. But there was still the congressman to consider and she knew if she quit Cassidy would be furious. Still, leaving Dylan and the thought of being apart from her lover was tearing the agent to shreds. “Dylan,” Alex sat down on the edge of the boy’s bed. “I’ll miss you like Alfred misses Batman when he’s away.”

  “Alfred is like Batman’s dad.”

  “He sort of is, isn’t he?” The agent agreed.

  “My dad doesn’t miss me.”

  Alex took a deep breath. She had little use for the congressman, but she knew that was not true. “That’s not true, Speed Racer.”

  “But he’s why you are leaving.”

  “What are you talking about?” The agent asked with genuine concern for the small boy.

  “I heard mom…talking to Grandma.”

  Alex nodded and licked her lips. “Well, your dad just wants what’s best for you and your mom.”

  The boy considered the statement. “If Alfred is like Batman’s dad… then you can be my Alfred.”

  The agent chuckled. “I would be honored. Does that mean I have to cook dinners when I get home, though?”

  “No…just my cereal,” he said plainly. “Batman didn’t have Mom.”

  “Oh…well then, how come your mom doesn’t get cereal duty?”

  “Don’t tell her….”

  “Tell her what?” The agent asked.

  “Too much milk,” he crinkled his nose.

  The agent tried not to laugh. In the hallway, Cassidy wiped a tear from her cheek. The innocence of her son and the tenderness of her lover overwhelmed her. “I see,” Alex answered.


  “Yeah, bud?”

  “Will you be back for my party?”

  “What party is that?”

  “My birthday.”

  It suddenly dawned on the agent that there was so much she still needed to learn about this family she somehow had become a part of. She thought for a moment recalling the dates in the files she had studied so many times. She smiled picturing the date and the picture on the front of Dylan’s small bio. Today was March 30th. Dylan would be seven in just a week. That determined everything. “I wouldn’t miss it, Speed Racer, not even if the president himself asked me to.”


  “Really.” She bent over and kissed the small head. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Get some sleep, Speed Racer…back to school tomorrow.” The agent stood and started for the door.

  “Alex?” She stopped and turned to face the small boy. “Chocolate or vanilla?”

  “What?” She asked.

  “Mom always asks me what kind of cake….chocolate or vanilla.” The agent cocked her head not understanding the six year old sentiment. “What’s your favorite?” He asked.

  Alex thought her heart might burst, this little boy who had been through so much wanted her to pick his birthday cake. “Alfred likes everything,” she smiled. “And he always wants Batman to be happy. I love both. Get some sleep.”

  “Okay. Night, Alex.”

  “Good night, Speed Racer.”

  Alex backed out of the room, closing Dylan’s door partially and as she turned she saw Cassidy leaning against the wall smiling and gazing at her. “So…chocolate or vanilla?”

  Alex shrugged and walked toward her lover. “If you make it, it won’t matter.”

  “Alex, Dylan’s birthday is…”

  “I know, next Saturday.”

  Cassidy looked at the agent curiously. “How are you going to…”

  “Mmm… you heard all of it, didn’t you?” The agent leaned in and kissed her lover’s forehead. “Well, I guess you’ll be seeing me pretty soon.”

  “Not soon enough,” Cassidy said with a hint of sadness.


  “What?” Cassidy asked.

  Alex reached for her hand and led her toward their bedroom. “Sound like you’re in need of some doctoring, some TLC,” the agent suggested. As they turned into the doorway Cassidy stopped and kissed Alex passionately. The agent’s knees weakened and as Cassidy broke their kiss Alex stood completely in awe. “You keep doing that I’ll be taking short vacations frequently.”

  “Oh… no,” the teacher cautioned. “That was just a preview. You don’t get the show until you tell me what had you so upset earlier.”

  Alex had hoped to avoid this topic but she knew Cassidy’s persistence and she also knew that she could not fool her lover even when she tried. It was amazing to Alex the way Cassidy could read her emotions and thoughts. She had expected that her lover would want some explanation. She sighed and led Cassidy to sit on the edge of the bed. “Cass…I don’t want to talk about it…not really.” The agent stopped and looked at the floor for a moment before turning her attention back to the woman she loved. “All you need to know is…I see a lot of things, Cassidy. Things I never want you or Dylan to see. The one thing I could never be prepared to see is either of your hurt…or in danger…or afraid…used…”

  Cassidy gave a solemn smile. She could guess what might have triggered Alex’s earlier episode and she didn’t want to know the details. The bottom line was that Alex loved her and Dylan. Whatever the agent saw or discovered; it didn’t matter now. Still, she did want the agent to believe that she would always listen. “Alex…you do know that you can talk to me… even if it’s…”

  Alex Toles shook her head. “My protector.”


  “You….always protecting me,” Alex smiled.

  “I love you,” Cassidy gave her reason.

  “MMMM….well….I’m glad….I love you too…even if you do put too much milk in the cereal.”


  Alex laughed and then gradually moved to tenderly kiss her lover. Slowly their lips began to part and Alex softly allowed her tongue to brush against Cassidy’s. The agent’s gentle and loving exploration moved effortlessly down Cassidy’s neck and across the top of her chest. She deliberately dropped her hands to the buttons on her lover’s blouse and began to release them one at a time with precision. Her kisses lightly trailed up the other side of the smaller woman’s neck until the agent pulled slightly back to look at the face of the woman she had fallen in love with. “You are so beautiful, Cass.”


  “Shh…” Alex kissed her lover again as a soft moan escaped Cassidy’s lips. The agent’s hands very gently caressed Cassidy’s breast and the teacher completely lost all conscious thought. Deliberately the agent’s kisses followed; every touch worshipping the small, delicate form i
n her arms. “I want you to remember how you make me feel when I am gone,” the agent whispered as she turned her attention to her lover’s firm stomach before journeying to the place she most longed to travel.

  “Oh God… Alex….I…”

  Alex smiled as she felt her lover begin to succumb to the waves of pleasure traveling through both their bodies and their hearts. She felt the smaller woman’s hips rise to meet her and sighed as her emotions seemed every bit as overloaded as her body. The sound of Cassidy’s breathing as she barely managed to whisper “I love you,” through her release pushed the agent over the edge and sent her body into a series of shudders that she could not fathom. Making love to Cassidy was unlike anything she had ever experienced, every time. It was like air and water and fire all conspiring together to lift her body and soul to heights she had never dreamed. Sensations of hot and cold; rushing air that fanned the flames of her own desire, burning so hot that Alex could not breathe until the flames were replaced by a quivering rush of chills that traveled over her body like a winter breeze. Finally, small hands would reach out and take hold of the agent’s firmly, pulling her back to the safety of the earth and grounding her in a peaceful calm that existed in the safety of Cassidy’s arms. “Cass…”

  “You are amazing, Alex.”

  “Cass?” The agent collapsed her head onto the teacher’s chest feeling Cassidy lovingly run her fingers through the agent’s long, thick hair.

  “Hmm?” Cassidy mumbled closing her eyes in contentment.

  “I can’t wait to come home.”

  “You are home,” Cassidy said softly.

  “I know….I miss you already,” Alex admitted.

  “Chocolate or vanilla?” The teacher asked.

  “What?” Alex was confused.

  “Cake…chocolate or vanilla….and what kind of frosting?”

  “You’re serious right now, aren’t you?” Alex asked amused.

  “Yeah…When you come home, I want it to be right. I’d hate to use too much frosting or something,” Cassidy joked.

  Alex kissed her lover’s chest. “I like everything you make…. just be careful with knives while I am gone,” the agent joked.

  “Yes, doctor,” Cassidy kissed Alex’s head.



  “Dylan…I mean, I hope he knows that I….”

  “He knows,” Cassidy assured.

  “I’ll be back for Saturday.”

  Cassidy smiled and held the agent closer. “I know you will…. Alex?”


  “Never mind,” Cassidy sighed.

  Alex propped herself up and looked at her lover. “What is it?”

  “Someday…Well….Maybe we’ll have….I mean maybe we will be…” the teacher grew quieter as her insecurity mounted.

  Alex gave the teacher wide smile. “Vanilla.”

  “What?” Cassidy asked.

  “Next week make chocolate cake. That’s Dylan’s favorite. I heard him tell Nicky that.”

  “I’m confused,” the teacher said.

  “Ummm… you like vanilla,” Alex said. “Ice cream, cookies…so I’m guessing cake too.”

  “Alex…what are you….”

  “Me too…I like vanilla.”

  Cassidy looked at her lover and squinted. “I’m not following…”

  Alex chuckled and kissed Cassidy’s cheek. “Someday we’ll have vanilla…a big one,” Alex smiled.

  “I don’t….”

  Alex laughed. “Yeah… well… not next week, but someday.” The agent laid back and pulled Cassidy over to her.

  The agent’s train of thought suddenly hit Cassidy like an anvil. “Alex… you know…I wasn’t trying to make you feel like you…”

  Alex laughed. “Like what? Like vanilla cake?”

  “You know what I mean,” Cassidy said. “I don’t want you to think that I am pushing…”

  “Cass…Relax…but I am serious about the vanilla.”

  Cassidy shook her head and grasped the agent’s side tighter. “All right, I got it…vanilla.”

  “And… Cass?”


  “You do use too much milk.”

  “I never knew you were such a cereal connoisseur,” Cassidy quipped.

  “Oh oui ... majordomes ont affiné goût, (Oh yes, butlers have refined taste).”

  “Go to sleep, Alfred,” Cassidy giggled.

  Alex chuckled, “I love you Cass.”

  “Je t’aime aussi, rentre bientôt. (I love you too, come home soon).”

  “You won’t even know I’m gone.”

  “Yes. I will.”

  The agent couldn’t sleep no matter what she tried. She had spent most of the night softly stroking her lover’s hair and placing small kisses on Cassidy’s head. The faintest hint of daylight was just beginning to become evident in the sky and Alex’s nervousness was palpable. She carefully pulled herself from the bed and headed for the shower, stopping in the doorway to the bathroom to look back at the woman sleeping soundly a few feet away. Cassidy was beautiful in every moment to Alex. The agent stood silently watching and tried to calm the anxiety she felt. Another deep sigh and the agent made her way into the shower. The water flowed over her freely and Alex lifted her face to greet it. She hoped that it would somehow wash away the sadness and stress that she was feeling. It was an unfamiliar sensation. As the agent ran her hands over her face to clear the water from her eyes she found herself speaking loud. “I should just quit… just forget it all.” Alex turned off the shower and continued to ready herself for the coming day. As she reentered the bedroom she found herself again entranced by the small blonde woman sprawled across half of the king sized bed. The agent finished closing the last buttons on her shirt and closed her eyes.

  She quietly exited the room and crossed the hallway. Peering around the door a blonde head began to come into focus. The agent tiptoed to the side of the bed and gently ran her fingers through his hair. “I’ll be back, Speed Racer,” she whispered. He shifted slightly without ever opening his eyes and the agent smiled. “I told your mom, chocolate cake…I know you told Uncle Nick you love that. I love you.” Alex bent down and kissed his head. She stood back up and took in a large breath, shaking her head. It was unbelievable to her. She’d seen war. She’d seen atrocities, violence and experienced the apprehension of it all. Nothing, not one thing in her life, had been this difficult. She’d never been in love. Sometimes she had wondered if that could even exist amidst all the chaos in the world. She had her answer now. Love existed here with these two souls and somehow life seemed to conspire to pull her from them.

  Alex kissed the small head one last time and made her way out of the room. She looked at the bags that leaned against the front door; right where she had placed them the night before and shook her head. It should be the day she was going home and instead she felt as though she were leaving home. It unsettled her. The agent walked into the kitchen and started the task of brewing coffee. She wished she could talk to Dylan before she left, but she didn’t want to wake him. The coffee had just started to drip when she felt two arms encircle her waist. The agent closed her eyes and clasped both the small hands that held her. “Good morning,” she said softly. There was no response, just a tightening of the grip that held her close. The agent shifted and turned to look into the watery green eyes behind her. “I know,” she said. “I’ll be back before you know I was gone…I promise.”

  Cassidy looked into the agent’s crystal blue eyes and summoned a smile. “I know when you are gone for five minutes,” she confessed.

  Alex smiled. She had no doubt that was true. No matter how interesting or challenging any situation the agent was engaged in was, since she met Cassidy, it was inevitable that at some point her thoughts would turn to the woman and the time they shared together. Sometimes she struggled to banish her emotions so that she could focus on her work. They hadn’t truly been apart more than a few hours since they met. Although Alex knew it
had been a very short time, it often felt as if they had always been this way. “Come on…let me get you some coffee,” the agent suggested. The pair silently sipped their morning coffee; both understanding that this separation would be short and neither able to fully comprehend why it was so painful for both of them. Alex took a final sip and placed her mug in the sink. She offered a crooked smile to her lover and Cassidy sighed.

  The agent extended her hand and the teacher accepted, following the dark haired woman she loved to the door without any words. Alex took hold of Cassidy’s face and searched her eyes. She leaned in and gently kissed the woman, struggling to pull back and release her. There was a sensation building within the agent that she could not describe. For some reason she felt an overpowering urge to stay. It was almost a physical reaction. The teacher sensed her partner’s apprehension and swallowed her own sadness to offer some reassurance. Cassidy kissed Alex’s cheek. “Go…call me when you are out of your meeting.”

  “You’ll be in class,” the agent said.

  The teacher smiled. “Then leave a message. I will call you when Dylan gets home from school,” Cassidy said. Alex stroked her lover’s cheek and the teacher offered a knowing smile.

  The agent grabbed the handle of her bag and started through the door. She stopped abruptly and kissed Cassidy again. “Cass…”

  The teacher smiled again, “I love you, Agent Toles.”

  Alex returned the affectionate smile. “I love you too, Cassidy. I’ll see you in a week.”

  Cassidy watched as the agent lifted her bag into the trunk and then moved to her seat in the car. She gently grabbed her lower lip with her teeth as she heard the ignition start and forced a smile to accompany her wave. The car pulled out of the driveway and paused one last time before making its way out of sight. “I miss you, Alex,” the teacher closed her eyes, “already.”

  The man fidgeted with the bag on the passenger seat of the blue sedan. He squirmed in his seat to get comfortable. Fingering the items in the bag he sighed. Some rope. Some tape. Ahh, there it was, the envelope. He pulled it out and removed a stack of photos, his favorite subject. She was beautiful and he smiled. She thought she could deny him. He answered to no one now; no one. She would answer to him. What she could tell him mattered very little from his point of view. He didn’t care if she spoke at all. He would ask the questions and play the game he had been taught before he indulged in his own recreation. He’d earned it. Then he would be free of all of them. He would search out another; no ties to hold him anywhere; no one caring who he was. He was dead now.