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Intersection Page 25

  Carl Fisher dragged the large man to the corner of the room. The resemblance was uncanny. Fisher stood over his prey, admiring him. He stroked his own face and his eyes took on a slight glow. He lifted the weight into the chair and considered the form before him again as his eyes began to grow a shade darker. He made his way into the bedroom and retrieved the shotgun, carrying it at his side to the other room. There were a few more last details he needed to complete. He placed a picture carefully in the lap that sat before him, but not before examining it closely. He inspected the neatly polished finger tips of the man, admiring his handiwork. Three steps back, perhaps too far, he thought. He stepped eye to eye with his victim. Carefully he moved back, just a quarter of a pace. He put the man’s hands around the barrel and…..

  “No, I understand…Thanks, Brady….yeah… I got it….what about that French company? Ever heard of them? …You think the congressman knows?...…. No, right now I’m more worried about Fisher….I agree…Brackett might be more involved ….. No, he knows…..No, I’m sure….Just waiting really….I appreciate that…I don’t want to call Taylor….better if you and I stay in contact. Okay. I’ll let you know when it goes down.” Alex hung up the small flip phone and took a deep breath.

  “What was that about?” Agent Fallon asked.

  “That was my contact at the NSA. No meeting today; he’s been digging into Krause and Tate and Brackett. Apparently, Brackett’s father was at the Pentagon for years. He was a Rear Admiral. Not sure what he did but he was very connected until his formal retirement two years ago, AND he was connected to Jon Krause. Brady will keep digging. There are still bigger fish to fry here. Everything he’s found on Fisher seems to match what we already know. We need to find him, sooner than later.”

  “Toles,” Fallon began,” maybe the letter thing is over and the ...Well, maybe the spook is spooked.”

  “Spooks don’t get spooked, Fallon. That’s why they are called spooks.”

  “But he’s not CIA anymore.”

  “No and that’s what scares me. He has all that training and no structure…. And he’s obsessed. It’s like starting a fire with gasoline.”

  Fallon looked at his partner. “It’s more than that. I can see it on your face.”

  Alex wasn’t certain how to answer so she did so bluntly. “I said no structure. I never said there was no one else involved. Our involvement is a liability. Now people, people who are connected to whatever is going on here, know about Cassidy and me. I’m just worried who is going to light the match.”

  “Toles…you think he’s gonna’ make a move?”

  “Let’s just say I hope your friend Ferro finds something fast. That, or someone views Fisher as the greater liability.” Alex paused and looked at the agent seated across from her. “Fallon, whatever happens, if you need to walk away from this; I will understand.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Years of training and the ability to distance her emotions kicked in. She had lost friends before and understood the risks. She would never let that happen to the woman that she loved. Alex was determined to get to the bottom of things eventually, but nothing mattered more than the teacher’s welfare. “I mean that I will do anything to keep Cass safe. Anything.”

  lex dropped her partner at his hotel and headed back for Cassidy’s. The expected call still had not come and it was Friday afternoon. She pulled onto Cherry Circle and smiled. It wasn’t very long ago that the destination at the end of the street was something she anticipated with antipathy. Now, the drive was comforting. She was looking forward to seeing Cassidy and Dylan. Pulling into the driveway the agent looked up at the large colonial and felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing who would be awaiting her return, and that someone was waiting for her to return. She had just turned the key off in the ignition when the phone rang, 4:35 pm, she noted the time and answered. “Agent Alex Toles,” she identified herself. Her face fell, back to reality. “I understand…..yes…..I will be….yes, Sir.” That was it. The agent took a deep breath and readied herself to face the occupants of 1215 Cherry Circle.

  Cassidy was in the kitchen which did not surprise the agent. She could hear the clanking of pans and was certain that her lover was in the process of making dinner. She peeked in the living room and saw Dylan sitting at the coffee table with two of his action figures. The agent stopped and watched him act out a battle between Batman and some figure she could not identify. Dylan was adorable. He had his mother’s charm and a little bit of a mischievous streak. The agent could feel her eyes getting misty. She looked forward to seeing him in the morning and watching Cassidy tuck him in each evening. A hand on her back startled her slightly. “Oh… Rose,” Alex choked back a tear. “I was just…”

  Rose’s expression conveyed immediately to the agent that Cassidy had spoken with her. The older woman’s eyes were full of both compassion and reassurance. Before Rose could speak a small body thumped into the agent. “Alex! You’re home!”

  “Looks that way, huh?”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the large room. Alex looked back and Rose gave her a wink. “LOOK!” On the floor the boy had built some structure from Legos. “It’s the Batcave, Alex!”

  “That is quite the building, Speed Racer, look at that.” The agent felt him cling slightly to her neck and she smiled. Rose McCollum kept a watchful eye on the duo for a few moments before making her way out the front door. Alex had already taken a seat on the floor and was smiling broadly and studying with great interest every detail Rose’s grandson pointed out to her. Cassidy’s mother felt a wave of happiness take her over. Cassidy needn’t worry. She could see it as plain as day. There might be things to fear; losing the tall agent was not one of them. “Hey…I’ve got to go see your mom for a while, okay?”

  “Okay,” the small voice answered. “Will you help me build a car after?” Dylan asked excitedly.

  “You got it, Speed Racer,” Alex said pulling herself up and taking in a large breath as she headed to the kitchen.

  Cassidy was in front of the counter with a large pan in front of her. Alex walked up quietly and put her hands on the woman’s waist. Cassidy turned slowly to face the agent and knew in an instant that the call had come. Alex’s eyes were a dead giveaway. “When?” Cassidy asked.

  “Monday morning,” the answer came. The smaller woman tried to still her emotions. Alex could tell she had been crying by the puffiness in her eyes. The agent pulled the teacher closer and Cassidy’s tears began to flow again. “Don’t cry, Cass.” Cassidy buried her face in Alex’s chest trying to speak but unable to form words. She had promised herself that she would not let Alex see her this way. The more time she had to think about things after Alex had left that morning; the more afraid, guilty and lonely she felt. Alex just pulled her close. “It’s not forever, Cassidy, come on,” the agent lifted the woman’s face with her hands. “Stop. We have two days before I have to leave. Let’s try not to dwell…come on,” Alex kissed Cassidy’s forehead. The teacher had seemed much calmer earlier that day and Alex wondered what had changed between the time she had left and now.

  Cassidy took another minute to slow her breathing and put her hands on Alex’s chest, looking straight forward, afraid that eye contact would only erupt another wave of emotion. “Let me finish the lasagna.”


  “Alex, I can’t…not now…I don’t want to upset Dylan.”

  Alex took a deep breath and kissed the top of the woman’s head. “Okay.” The agent thought for a moment before releasing the teacher to her task. “I love you, Cass,” she whispered, “I hope you know that.”

  “I do.”

  Dinner had been fairly quiet. Alex wandered off with Dylan and gave Cassidy a little space to clean up. The agent suggested a movie and by nine o’clock a small form had fallen asleep between two larger ones on the couch; two hands joined softly on his back. “I’ll get him,” Alex said as she scooped Dylan up and headed to his room. They hadn’t told hi
m anything yet. In fact, they hadn’t spoken about Alex’s departure since their brief exchange before dinner.

  Cassidy watched as the agent tucked the small boy in and stood over him, fiddling with the blanket. There was no doubt that Alex loved Dylan at least as much as he had fallen in love with the agent. “He’ll be there in the morning,” Cassidy said, feeling a sudden sense of calm as she witnessed Alex’s affection for her son.

  “I know,” Alex said.

  The teacher put her hand on Alex’s back, “Come on…I need you.” Alex turned and looked at the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She understood this was a roadblock for them. She had spent endless hours mulling over what she could have done. She should be more focused on Fisher. She should have kept a professional distance; she should, she should. It was hopeless. Alex loved Cassidy and right now that was all that was on her mind or in her heart. The agent complied with the teacher’s request and followed her to the bedroom.

  Cassidy didn’t want to talk, not yet. She needed to feel Alex. She reached up and gently ran the back of her hand down the side of the agent’s cheek, looking deeply into the clear blue eyes that seemed just a tiny bit darker tonight. Alex opened her mouth to speak but any words were quickly quelled by the pressing of two fingers to her lips and the smaller woman in her arms pulling her into a soft kiss, no words. Cassidy undressed the agent slowly. Her touch was so tender that Alex could not keep her eyes open. She could barely let a sigh escape as she looked briefly into the brilliant green eyes that remained slightly red from the many tears that had fallen earlier. Still, they were the most magnificent eyes Alex had ever seen. The feel of the smaller woman in her arms, completely taking the agent over was mind numbing for Alex. She breathed Cassidy in as she felt the woman’s hands and lips slowly discover every inch of her. “Cass,” she whispered as a tear fell down her cheek. She never wanted to leave, never. Alex could hardly form a coherent thought. The only clear thought passing through her mind left her wondering how she could feel so wonderful and so heartbroken at the same moment. She let herself go and held Cassidy’s hands as her body released all of her emotions physically. Struggling to fill her lungs she whispered her words, “always… Cass.”

  The pair stayed wrapped in each other’s warmth in total silence for what seemed like hours. Cassidy resumed her normal unconscious habit of tracing small circles with her fingers across the agent’s skin. “What will they do?” The teacher finally asked.

  “I don’t know. I imagine it will be a suspension pending an investigation.”

  “Alex, how long?”

  Alex swallowed hard. “I won’t be gone long, Cassidy.”

  “But if you’re….”

  Alex tried to gather her thoughts. “Please, just trust me…I won’t be gone long, no matter what they say.”

  “What are you saying?” Cassidy propped herself up. Alex just stared at her. “Alex you can’t quit; that’s not what you’re saying… Alex?”

  The agent wasn’t certain how to answer. “Let’s just see what happens Monday.”

  Cassidy collapsed back onto the agent. “Alex, I don’t want to ruin…”

  The strong agent tightened her grip on the woman in her arms. “Don’t say it. Don’t think it. I know you were crying before I got home today, Cassidy. I’m not leaving you, not ever. Not for good, and the only thing you ruined was my habit of eating macaroni and cheese nightly. Well, that and constant back pain from running so much.” Cassidy giggled. “Go to sleep. I love you,” Alex encouraged, stroking the soft blonde hair that cascaded over her.

  “I’m sorry I am such a…”

  Alex stopped the thought with a soft kiss. “You are perfect.”

  “I love you, Alex.”

  “I know. Sleep. It will look better tomorrow.”

  The morning was progressing as Alex had hoped. She was not looking forward to telling Dylan that she would be away for a while. She and Cassidy had not spoken about Alex’s departure again and the agent knew that there were things that still needed to be said. Right now, Alex thought that perhaps an afternoon away would be good for all three. She was hoping she might hear something from Pete Ferro or Steven Brady, but she didn’t anticipate they would need to see her. The agent still wasn’t certain what had gotten her lover so upset the day before; though she suspected it was a mixture of all of the changes and realities pressing down on them both. She wanted Cassidy to be assured that she and Dylan would be safe and moreover that Alex would be back.” Are you going to tell me what you are planning?” Cassidy asked sipping her coffee as Alex entered from the deck, hanging up her cell phone.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Umm hum….”

  “I just think getting away from here for a bit might be a good idea,” Alex smiled. “Just get Dylan ready and we’ll leave by ten, okay?” The teacher shook her head and shrugged stretching up on her toes to peck Alex on the cheek before turning to corral her son. The agent kissed her lover’s head and inhaled. She had no intention of talking about the case with Cassidy, the FBI, or her departure until evening. She turned her nose slightly at the feel of her phone buzzing in her pocket. “Agent Toles,” she answered.


  “John?” Alex was surprised to hear President John Merrow’s voice on the other end.

  “How are you doing?” The president asked.

  “I’m all right. I assume there is a reason for your call, though.”

  “I’m sorry, Alex.” Alex took a deep breath and sighed. “It’s out of my hands,” he continued.

  “I know that,” the agent replied.

  “How are Cassidy and Dylan?” He asked and Alex noted the concern in his voice.

  The agent listened to the voices in the other room as Cassidy attempted to wrangle up Dylan and pry him from his new Batcave to get dressed. The sound of his laughter lifted her spirits and she couldn’t help but smile to herself. “We’re fine, John.”

  “Good. Listen, Alex,” he paused. “I received some more information. I thought you should know that there is a DOD presence involved.”

  “I know.”

  John Merrow sat down at the large desk in his private office and took a sip from the glass of scotch he had placed there earlier that morning. “Why does that not surprise me?” He mused. “Taylor?” He inquired.

  “I didn’t want to involve you,” Alex explained.

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Why is the DOD in my old case files?”

  “Can’t answer that. Perhaps just because you were assigned the O’Brien case,” he offered. “Yeah… well,” Alex paused listening as Cassidy followed Dylan up the stairs before continuing. “That ‘presence’ as you call it….Brackett, she’s met with Fisher.”

  “Carl Fisher?” The president nearly choked on his scotch. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I am,” Alex said.

  John Merrow stood and began to pace. “Why would DCIS be involved with Fisher?” He inquired.

  “They have a history, common roots, I guess. That’s all I know,” Alex said. The president’s jaw became taut and his eyes narrowed to nearly slits. “John, I have to leave Monday morning….”

  “I heard.”

  “I figured,” Alex chuckled. “I don’t want Fallon…”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” the president offered. “Any leads on the accident?”

  “Not really, but right now I am more concerned about Fisher.”

  “I understand. I wish I could do more,” he said plainly.

  The agent hung her head slightly. “It’s better if you keep a distance. I’m working it.”

  The president nodded at his desk. This he already knew. Alex was not going to give him many details. It wasn’t a lack of trust preventing her from being forthcoming and he knew that. She was protecting her Commander in Chief and her friend. “I’ll see what I can…” he began.

  “I appreciate that. I’ll be fine.”


  “Yes?” />
  “I am sorry,” he said sincerely. “For all of you.”

  Alex took a deep breath. “I know you are,” she said hanging up the phone and placing it back in its normal home.

  John Merrow sat down on the corner of the desk and took another sip of scotch. He slowly sat it down and picked the receiver back up. “Get Claire Brackett here…now.”

  Dylan ran into the kitchen and stopped in front of the agent. “Are we going to George’s?”

  Alex laughed. “No.”

  “Are we going to the movies?”


  “Where are we going?”

  Cassidy leaned in the doorway and watched her son interrogating her lover. “Well, if I tell you it won’t be a surprise. Get your pool cue. That’s your only hint.” His eyes grew as big as saucers and he flew out of the room and back up the stairs.

  “Just what are you up to?” The small blonde woman in the door asked.

  Alex moved slowly to the woman with a flirtatious smile. “Think of this as YOUR case to solve,” Alex raised her eyebrow and whispered into the teacher’s ear before continuing on into the hallway. Dylan was barreling down the stairs already. “Come on Agent O’Brien,” Alex called back with amusement. Cassidy chuckled to herself. Alex was enjoying this plot she had created and Cassidy was thankful for the agent’s tactics.

  Congressman Christopher O’Brien was happy to be home. He was still weak but his anger over the discovery of his ex-wife’s apparent ‘relationship’, as she had called it, was fueling a new found energy. He was taken aback when his girlfriend entered the room with the large, blonde man. “What are you doing here?” O’Brien asked.

  “Just checking on a friend,” the man answered as the woman left the room.

  “People are asking questions about you,” the congressman said in frustration.