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Intersection Page 15

  Cassidy heard the sound of soft music emanating from the other room. She had decided that she would at least attempt to entice the agent in some unexpected way. She feared that Alex might view her inexperience as unattractive somehow and she wanted the agent to desire her. She took in a nervous breath and tugged on the oversized denim shirt she had put on. After another moment of attempting to calm her increasing jitters, she looked in the mirror a final time hoping that her efforts would be appreciated by the woman outside. She closed her eyes, inhaled a breath for courage and opened the door. Alex Toles turned as the sound of the opening door carried through the small room. There she was, Cassidy O’Brien. The agent felt her heart jump inside her body but she could not move. The sight of Cassidy in the denim shirt that fell just to her mid-thigh and buttoned just below the line of her cleavage was the sexiest thing Alex had ever seen. If the teacher had worried that any woman might rival her in the agent’s eyes, those fears had been vacant and unnecessary. The woman’s blonde hair fell gently to the front of her right shoulder and slightly behind her left. The glow of the orange and yellow flames further softened her feminine features. Alex fought to swallow. The agent labored to take a full breath and stepped toward the woman who was slowly walking toward her. “You are beautiful,” the agent said as her eyes traveled the full length of Cassidy’s body.

  Cassidy thought that her knees might give way as she moved closer to agent. Alex’s hair fell softly on her shoulders, framing her face perfectly. She was the most incredible vision Cassidy had ever seen. Since they first met the teacher had found Alex attractive and marveled at her body and the blue eyes that at times seemed to dance. But now, here in the firelight, the way that Alex was looking at her, the light that was cast on her skin, Cassidy was certain she had never been so riveted by any person. She reached the agent who looked deeply into her eyes. They stood impossibly close and impossibly still for what seemed like many minutes until finally Cassidy reached out and touched the opening of Alex’s blouse.

  The agent felt the slight brush of the woman’s hand connect with her skin and she trembled. Cassidy was completely enraptured by the way the fire highlighted the opening in the agent’s shirt, barely revealing her skin. The smaller woman looked up to see that the blue eyes she searched for now had closed at the slightest touch from her. Alex took in a breath and opened her eyes to meet the shimmering green searching for hers. Her hand brushed Cassidy’s blonde hair aside and she whispered softly to her as she moved her lips closer, “I am so in love with you.”

  The smaller woman reached up and pulled the agent closer. “Alex, I need you,” she confessed. The agent felt her heart quicken and her hand continued to tremble as it reached slowly for the opening of the denim shirt. She let her hand softly travel along the opening, feeling just enough of the woman in front of her to send a pulse throughout her entire body. Finally, the agent pressed her lips to the other woman’s. Slowly and gently their lips began to part and Alex lightly brushed Cassidy’s tongue with her own. She felt the woman’s desire as Cassidy began to deepen the kiss, still soft but her tongue searching with more urgency. Alex tried to breathe. She felt the teacher’s soft caress travel the length of her back. Cassidy’s touch was so gentle and so loving. The agent lowered her kiss to the woman’s neck. She gently kissed every inch, longing with each soft kiss to continue her journey. “Alex…” the woman sighed, “I love you.”

  The agent smiled and inhaled the words into her soul. She took the smaller woman’s hand silently and led her to the bed. Again she lowered herself to accept Cassidy’s lips to her own. She had no words as she guided the beautiful woman she loved so deeply onto the bed, taking a position over her and returning her lips to the softest she had ever tasted. Again she moved to Cassidy’s neck, soliciting a soft moan. Alex pulled away slightly looking down at the woman underneath her and marveling at her beauty. The agent’s eyes began a loving dance as they whispered her desire silently to the woman she loved. Her hand carefully moved to the buttons on the denim shirt. Slowly she released them, returning her kiss to Cassidy’s waiting lips and stopping only to allow the kiss to follow the trail her hands had left behind. She pushed the shirt gently open, revealing to her for the first time the full sight of the woman who held her heart. Alex drank in the sight, and Cassidy was overcome with emotion as she witnessed the expression in her lover’s eyes. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” the agent said as she trembled from her own desire.

  Cassidy reached for the buttons on the agent’s blouse. Alex was surprised at the deliberate and confident way the woman addressed them. The small blonde’s fears evaporated as her thoughts became consumed by her desire for the strong and sexy woman above her. She reached the last button and pulled the blouse open, instantly losing her breath at the sight of Alex’s breasts. The agent smiled slightly with satisfaction feeling her lover’s desire increase. She lowered herself again and kissed Cassidy. Her kiss was passionate and more demanding now but it remained incredibly gentle. Her lips trailed over Cassidy’s body, discovering on their journey the places that seemed to solicit the desired response. The agent’s hands made their way along the woman’s curves as her kiss finally reached the soft breast that she so longed to taste. She looked to Cassidy for permission, but the teacher had closed her eyes feeling the agent’s warm breath wash over her. “Alex…please,” Cassidy asked her lover. It was the only permission the agent required to continue.

  The sensation that traveled through Cassidy’s entire body as she felt the agent’s tongue dance across her, gently and firmly reminded her that Alex loved her. Alex felt Cassidy’s body as it relaxed underneath her, their skin touching. She moved her other hand to Cassidy’s lips, lovingly caressing them with her finger tip. Cassidy kissed the hand that touched her and the agent felt a warm rush run through her. Alex caught her breath as she witnessed the expression of ecstasy that swept across the beautiful face resting just slightly above her own. The music played softly in the background and Alex felt her own body begin to glide against the woman she loved in time to its slow and sensual beat. Her breathing became more rapid and she could see the pounding of Cassidy’s heart as she covered the woman’s chest with a trail of light kisses. Her hand very sensually caressed her lover’s hip and worked its way intentionally lower, tenderly exploring the place she longed to travel. Cassidy gasped at Alex’s touch and the strong agent pulled herself over the blonde woman again. She removed her touch and coaxed the woman’s eyes open with a kiss on her forehead. Cassidy looked into her lover’s eyes with a knowing smile, understanding completely what the agent wished to ask her now. “Alex…”

  “You know…I’ve fallen in love with you, Cassidy,” Alex said looking into her lover’s eyes as a tear washed over her cheek. The agent had never experienced anything close to what coursed through her now. Every inch of her felt Cassidy running through it. Her desire to make love to the woman was soulful. As Cassidy looked at her and raised her hand to gently wipe away the agent’s tear, Alex knew she was looking at the rest of her life before her. Right now she wanted to show Cassidy. She wanted the woman who held her soul to understand in the one way that no words or glances could ever completely convey that she would love her completely and forever.

  “I know, Alex.” Cassidy wiped another tear away from the Alex’s cheek, now understanding that Alex Toles was truly and deeply in love with her. She captured the agent’s lips and allowed her hand to begin to explore the form above her. Instinctively she moved her kiss over Alex’s neck and pulled herself up to allow her tongue to lightly trail across the woman’s chest. Alex closed her eyes and fought to catch her breath as she felt the Cassidy’s soft kiss make its way to her breast.

  “Cass…” Alex barely managed to speak. Cassidy was completely lost to her own desire now. As the agent responded to her touch, she was amazed at how naturally they moved together, as if perfectly in sync with the music, the flames, and the other person’s needs. Alex lifted the woman’s face
back to her own and kissed her slowly. The agent’s kiss left the teacher’s lips and continued across every inch of her body; her neck, her shoulders, her chest, her stomach. She stopped and moved her hands to grasp Cassidy’s as her exploration finally reached its intended destination. She heard Cassidy sigh and felt the smaller woman’s body respond by rising to meet her touch.

  Cassidy could swear that light suddenly filled the entire room as she let out a sigh filled with the sound of Alex’s name. Her body was trembling so hard from Alex’s tender exploration that she became dizzy from the loss of breath. She held onto Alex’s hands tightly as she felt her body lose control. “Please… Alex…” Alex’s kisses and touch became more insistent as the words fell from her lover. Cassidy felt as if she were being gently pounded over and over by rising waves that increasingly began to carry her away. As it seemed to be with everything about Alex Toles, when Cassidy could no longer hold back and the sensations that coursed through her caused her body to shudder, her emotions followed suit, continuing to travel through every inch of her body until they took up residence in her soul. “Alex,” she called through her release. Alex slowly and gently kissed every inch of her lover’s body again. Releasing her grasp on the agent’s hands, Cassidy tenderly touched the agent’s back and slowly reached for the agent’s face to guide it back to her own, needing to see Alex and look into her eyes.

  “Cass, I love you…... I love you…” the agent repeated over and over, seeming to be as overwhelmed by the experience as the teacher was.

  Tears fell now from Cassidy’s eyes as she searched the blue ones above her, telling her everything she needed to know. “Don’t let me go,” Cassidy said to the woman who brushed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead.

  “Never,” Alex said as she laid down beside the woman she had just made love to and pulled her close.

  Cassidy’s head came to rest on the agent’s chest and her finger very lightly danced across the agent’s skin. The smaller woman remained quiet for a moment allowing her breath to slowly return before deliberately positioning herself above the beautiful woman that held her. Alex swallowed hard as Cassidy kissed her softly and then moved to whisper in her ear. “I will never let you go, Alex Toles,” she said kissing the woman’s neck and gently capturing her ear between her teeth for a moment.

  Alex thought she might lose consciousness as Cassidy confidently took command and allowed her kisses to explore every inch of the agent’s body. The woman above her was soft in every way. The feel of Cassidy’s skin against hers, the way she kissed the agent so tenderly and the way her hands lightly caressed Alex’s body; no one had ever made love to Alex before; not like this. Cassidy tenderly communicated in every touch the love that she held for the agent. When Alex felt Cassidy begin to move her kisses over her stomach she jumped, suddenly terrified by both her desire and a worry that her new lover might feel obligated. She sat nearly straight up and was astonished by the understanding smile on the blonde’s face.

  Cassidy gently pressed on the agent’s shoulder and laid her back on the bed, hovering above her and looking into her eyes. “Cass…you don’t have to…”

  Cassidy raised her eyebrow and smiled again capturing the agent’s lips in the most loving kiss Alex had ever known. “Let me love you,” Cassidy said stroking the agent’s cheek. Alex’s breath was ragged as she closed her eyes signifying her permission to continue. Cassidy kissed her gently and whispered again, “I’ve fallen in love with you too, Alex.” Slowly the agent relaxed as Cassidy took her time, again exploring every inch of Alex before finally beginning to take the agent as her own. Alex looked down at Cassidy and sighed. Cassidy was the gentlest soul she had ever known and that was evident in every touch, the way her tongue danced over Alex, the way her hands lovingly searched for the agent’s. Alex released her breath as their fingers interlocked. She struggled to let go and Cassidy sensed her anxiety, knowing that Alex’s concern was for her. She held Alex’s hand tighter to reassure her and the agent finally gave over. Her body twitched uncontrollably and she felt every muscle pulse with desire. “Cass….” She gasped for air and her tears fell freely. She felt as if her body was being lifted by the energy running through it. Emotions and an incredibly gentle but overwhelming pounding seemed to crash over her until her body had no choice but to submit fully, her heart a willing partner. She sighed as her lover’s grip softened. Cassidy pulled her hand away and slowly lifted herself to a position above the agent. Green eyes sparkled as they gazed at the agent now, in spite of cheeks that were stained by tears. Making love to Alex, feeling her let go completely had overpowered Cassidy with a surge of her own emotions. Alex caressed the woman’s cheek and pulled her close. Neither could seem to speak as they lay silently caressing one another; a reminder that this was a sacred place to them both. After a long period of silence Alex spoke, gently stroking Cassidy’s arm. “I never...” She stopped, feeling a growing lump in her throat at the admission she was about to make.

  “What?” Cassidy asked quietly kissing the skin beneath her.

  “Made love….and …. Cass…I…”

  Cassidy pulled herself up and looked at Alex, immediately understanding the agent’s reluctance to allow Cassidy to make love to her. The smaller woman smiled and kissed her lover. “Alex, I never had anyone make love to me before either…not like this, and never… well…”

  Alex smiled. Every experience with Cassidy was new. As Cassidy collapsed back into her position within the loving embrace of the agent, Alex sighed. “Cassidy?”


  “I think….I want to be with you forever,” Alex choked a bit on her words.

  Cassidy smiled. “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Alex lay on her side silently watching the woman next to her sleep. The sun was just beginning to peek through the tiny slits in the blinds and the light caressed the beautiful face that Alex could not stop gazing at. She reached her hand out and brushed the hair from the woman’s eyes. Slowly she bent over the woman’s face and kissed her forehead, allowing her lips to linger there for a long moment. Cassidy shifted a bit and her short set of blinks turned to a sleepy squint. “Morning,” the agent said softly.

  Cassidy took a deep breath, closing her eyes and releasing it with contentment. She felt Alex next to her and sighed again. “You’re here,” she whispered.

  “I told you I wanted to wake up beside you,” the agent said as she continued gently caressing the woman that she loved. Finally, Cassidy opened her eyes. There was an expression in them that piqued the agent’s curiosity. It was loving, not lustful, but there was something more this morning that they seemed to convey. The teacher closed her eyes and gently tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. “What is it?” Alex asked gently.

  Cassidy opened her eyes and touched the beautiful face before her. Alex repeated the question. Her new lover sighed and fought to summon words. “I just…”


  “Alex…I don’t want to say something that will…”

  “Will what?” Alex asked. Cassidy continued to caress the woman’s cheek. “Cassidy, you can say anything to me.”

  The blonde woman smiled and her eyes began to twinkle as a hint of the sun struck them. “How can I know that …I just know…this is…”

  Alex smiled, “I know…I don’t want to explain it. It is, Cass… it just is.” She kissed the woman and smiled.

  “Forever’s a long time, you know?” The teacher smirked.

  “Might be for you,” Alex joked, poking fun at herself.

  “Oh…I think I’ll manage,” Cassidy quipped back. The mood was still full of emotion but noticeably lighter.

  “Mmmm… I will remember you said that.” The agent rolled over and began to toss the sheets aside when she felt an insistent grasp pulling her back.

  Cassidy ran her hand over the woman’s strong, lower back. “Alex, what is this?” She asked noticing the long scar that ran across the agent’s lower back as she gracefully and tender
ly stroked it.

  “Just an old injury.” She started to pull away again and Cassidy grasped her firmly. Seeing the raise of the eyebrow and the way her lover’s gaze had narrowed, Alex knew her off handed explanation was not going to fly. “It’s nothing.”

  “Oh… and I suppose it had nothing to do with that episode the other day either?”

  Alex almost laughed. How Cassidy was able to put all the pieces together where Alex was concerned she didn’t know. If she had entertained any doubts that somehow this woman simply understood her, last night had completely removed them. “It happened when I was overseas. An IED attack. I got hit with some large shrapnel.” Cassidy’s hand fell on the agent’s leg and she gently ran her fingers over it as she listened intently, encouraging her to continue. Alex looked at her reassuringly. “I’m fine, Cass, it’s a scar…it was a long time ago.” The teacher’s skepticism was well placed. The agent was not in any danger from her old injury but Cassidy’s observation was correct, some of the damage had been permanent. Had it not been for her good friend, John Merrow, she would never have gotten the full waiver for the FBI. Alex smiled, “it tore through all of my muscles and damaged two vertebra….and my spleen. It’s okay, just acts up sometimes.” She kissed Cassidy who knew there was more to the story and that the story would have to wait.

  The teacher watched as the agent got up and grabbed her clothes. “Are you leaving?”