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  “Well, I am tired. But, it’ll be a long night no matter what. If I start now, I will only need more later,” she explained. “So, how was Pip?”

  “Okay,” Alex said.


  “He’s going to check things out in Stockholm,” Alex said nervously.

  “And?” Cassidy prodded.

  “I’m going to head to London for a couple of days,” Alex said tacitly. She saw Cassidy’s nearly imperceptible nod of understanding. “Only a couple of days.”

  Cassidy smiled. “It’s okay,” she said. “You showed him the letter?” Cassidy asked. Alex nodded. “How did he take it?”

  Alex laughed. “I told you. He would do anything for you.”


  “I don’t want to talk about that now,” Alex said, shifting nervously.

  Cassidy took hold of the agent’s hand gently. “I know you hate hospitals,” she said. Alex shrugged. “Are you going to be all right here; waiting?”

  “Yeah,” Alex answered, relaxing slightly. “So, what do you think?”

  “About?” Cassidy asked.

  “Think it’s a boy or a girl?”

  Cassidy took a deep breath and sighed. “Well, I know Barb would not so secretly love a little girl, but for some reason I have a feeling we will be greeting another nephew.”

  “Yeah? How come?”

  Cassidy shrugged. “I don’t know. I was sure Dylan was a boy. No one believed me,” she chuckled. “I just have a feeling.”

  Alex smiled and stroked Cassidy’s hand. She closed her eyes for a moment and let her thoughts stray from her surroundings, wondering if Cassidy would have feelings when they finally conceived. Her smile steadily grew wider in contentment, and she heard Cassidy giggle. “What?” Alex asked without opening her eyes.

  “What are you grinning about?” Cassidy asked.

  Alex decided to leave her private thoughts exactly as they were. “Nothing in particular,” she fibbed and then yawned. “Going to be a long night, you said. Just trying to make the best of it.”

  “Uh-huh,” Cassidy answered in disbelief. She shook her head at the realization that Alex had, in a moment, drifted off to sleep.

  “She sleeping?” Helen asked as she took a seat. Cassidy nodded. “In a hospital?” Helen couldn’t believe it. Cassidy shrugged. “Miracles never cease,” Helen said with a roll of her eyes.

  Cassidy looked at her mother-in-law and winked. She studied her hand as it entwined with her wife’s. “No. They really don’t,” she whispered.

  Jonathan Krause stepped out of the taxi and made his way into a small coffee shop. He scanned it quickly and took note of the man sitting in the far corner. He approached casually and moved into the opposite bench. “So? Not like you to want coffee at this hour,” Krause said lightly.

  Brian Fallon smiled. “No. That is usually your department. I took the liberty,” he said as their waitress approached and set a steaming mug in front of each of them. Fallon nodded his thanks. “How are you, Agent Krause?” Fallon asked.

  “Curious,” Krause answered as he lifted his coffee slowly to his lips.

  Fallon sighed. “I got an unexpected call to meet with my boss this afternoon,” he offered.

  “Which boss?” Krause inquired.

  “Fair question,” he said. “In that you and I are sitting here now, I guess we both know that rules you out,” Fallon joked. He took a deep breath as his voice became more tentative. “Tate,” he answered.

  “Really? And what did the good assistant director have to offer?” Krause wondered.

  “Look, I don’t know what to make of this,” Fallon began. Krause merely raised an eyebrow in question as he continued to nurse his coffee slowly. “He visited the president today and ran into a stranded NSA agent,” Fallon said. Seeing the vein in Jonathan Krause’s neck begin to pulse, Fallon quickly but carefully continued. “It was Anderson, apparently keeping company with a certain NSA Director.”

  Krause nodded and very slowly placed his coffee back on the table. “Continue,” he said.

  “Krause,” Fallon’s voice became strained. “He followed him. Followed him to State.” Jonathan Krause listened intently but with no visible change in emotion. The CIA agent’s ability to remain so remarkably collected in any situation and to maintain an unreadable expression often unsettled Brian Fallon. Fallon continued slowly. “Did you know that Ambassador Daniels was here; in the states?” Fallon watched as the muscles in Krause’s neck visibly strained. “Gets worse. He thinks,” Fallon paused and took a breath for courage. “He suspects Director Taylor is working with Brackett. He thinks…”

  “He thinks Taylor is Brackett’s contact,” Krause surmised. Fallon nodded. Krause took another sip of his coffee before steadily easing it back to the table again. He turned to Brian Fallon and nodded his understanding.

  “Krause, you don’t actually think that Michael Taylor…”

  “I don’t know. Either Tate is trying to throw us off his trail, or there is a good chance your other boss is not who we believe him to be,” Krause answered. “Those are the only two possibilities.” Krause stopped and considered what course to take next. “Look, I am headed to Stockholm this week. Alex will be headed to London. If Daniels is here, it’s something that was decided quickly. Daniels is set to meet with Sparrow on Wednesday….back in London.”

  “Do you want me to…”

  “No,” Krause said. “No. Alex is headed in that direction.”

  “What about Taylor? She’ll want to know…”

  Krause stopped Fallon’s thoughts. “Nothing to Agent Toles yet, Agent Fallon; not about Taylor. You’ve still been drilling into O’Brien’s accident for the NSA?” Krause asked. Fallon nodded. Fallon had been investigating a car accident that very nearly cost Congressman Christopher O’Brien his life. Officially, every agency and the Metropolitan Police Department had ruled the accident just that; an accident. Alex had been certain it was anything but an accident; after months of investigation, even the most promising trails seemed to lead to a dead end. “Nothing new?” Krause inquired.

  “No,” Fallon said.

  “There will be. There’s money unaccounted for in O’Brien’s campaign. I’ll send you the information. Bring it to Taylor. Alex and I are going to leverage those little ears the congressman sent home with Dylan. Let’s see where they lead us,” Krause offered.

  “You think we can flush him out. Whoever it is?” Fallon asked.

  “I think one of your two bosses knows far more than he is saying. You’re close enough to both to water the seed that we plant and then watch it grow,” Krause said.

  “Krause, Taylor is Alex’s…”

  “I know,” Krause said. “People are seldom who we think they are Fallon,” he paused and attempted to swallow his personal reality. “Sometimes not even ourselves,” Krause said softly. Fallon studied him as the CIA agent rose to take his leave. “Stick as close to Taylor as you can. Give him the information on O’Brien that I send. And, Brian?” Krause stopped and put his hand on the man’s shoulder. Fallon looked at him inquisitively. “Watch yourself.”

  Sunday, December 14th

  Alex shifted uncomfortably in her chair, still groggy from her impromptu nap. She heard Cassidy’s voice speaking softly. “What time is it?” she mumbled.

  “It’s almost four o’clock,” Cassidy answered, taking a moment to gaze at Alex’s sleepy state affectionately.

  “Still no baby?” Alex asked in amazement.

  “No,” Cassidy chuckled. “Your mom went in a bit ago and she’s definitely getting closer. They’re giving her something now to try and help coax the baby a bit,” Cassidy explained. “I called Mom; she’ll be here with the boys shortly. I guess they haven’t slept anyway. Cat is too excited.”

  As Cassidy finished her statement, Helen appeared around the corner. “Oh, look who decided to keep us company,” she poked at her daughter.

  Alex growled slightly. “I’m sure you two didn’t e
ven notice,” she said.

  Helen laughed. “Well, I am sure after all that rest you could use a stretch,” she said.

  Cassidy snickered, and Alex looked at her mother in confusion. “What are you talking about?” Alex asked.

  “I thought, perhaps, you and Cassidy could take a walk and say hello,” Helen suggested.

  “You mean in her room?” Alex asked warily. Cassidy covered her mouth in an attempt to hide her ever-widening smile. “Nick is there,” Alex dismissed the suggestion.

  “Yes, he is,” Helen repeated the obvious.

  Cassidy stood and offered her hand to Alex. “What?” Alex asked again with a look of concern on her face. “I’m sure Barb doesn’t want to see…”

  “Actually, Alexis,” her mother began. “She specifically asked if Cassidy would come in.” Alex huffed slightly and took Cassidy’s hand. “I should think this would be a fantastic opportunity for you,” Helen said. Still tired, Alex looked at her mother completely perplexed. “Think of it as homework,” she winked at her daughter. “You are married to a teacher.”

  “Great,” Alex mumbled. “You’ve been spending too much time with Rose. I’m cutting you off. And…I don’t have any homework yet,” Alex replied. Helen just took her seat and grinned, catching Cassidy’s muffled laughter as she led Alex off.

  “Alex, you don’t have to go in if you don’t want to,” Cassidy said when they reached the door of Barb’s room. Alex just shrugged. “I know you hate these places, but Barb isn’t sick.”

  “I know,” Alex sighed. “I just feel…I don’t know…out of place.”

  Cassidy nodded her understanding and encouragement. She raised her brow to signal her final question and Alex nodded for her to proceed. Cassidy opened the door gently and peered inside. “Hey, you up for a visit?” she asked her sister-in-law.

  “Please!” Barb answered, sounding slightly exasperated.

  Alex followed closely behind and made her way to her brother. “How are you?” she asked him.

  “Exhausted,” Nick whispered.

  “Ow! Dammit that hurts,” Barb winced. Cassidy smiled and took her hand.

  “Maybe you should get up and walk around some more,” Nick tried to suggest gently to his wife.

  Barb shot him a look of disgust. “It’s four in the morning; I have a needle in my arm, a bowling ball in my stomach, pain in my back…and you want me to walk?”

  “Well, it might help, you know…speed things up,” he said.

  “Alex?” Barb directed her question to her sister-in-law. Alex pointed to her chest, and her eyes grew wide. “Do me a favor and take your brother for this walk he seems so interested in. Ow! Ugh, my back.” Alex looked at Cassidy, who was desperately trying to hide a Cheshire cat-sized grin at the expression on both Nick and Alex’s faces. Alex nodded and pulled her brother’s arm. “And, Alex?” Barb called. Alex spun on her heels. “Piece of advice. There are moments when silence is your ally,” she finished. Cassidy chuckled and turned to Barb, who had also begun to laugh softly as brother and sister sulked slightly and left the room.

  “How are you doing?” Cassidy asked once Alex and Nick had left.

  “I’m okay,” Barb said, making a futile attempt to get comfortable. “I just want it over, you know?” Cassidy understood completely. “I love Nicky, but I wanted to throttle him about an hour ago; watching him sleep like a baby in that chair.”

  Cassidy smiled. “Alex slept for the last six hours. I’m surprised she can walk with her back.”

  “Well, she better not fall asleep on you when you are in this position,” Barb said.

  “I’d better not be in that position at this hour,” Cassidy laughed.

  “Yeah? You know something about communicating with… Ow!”

  Cassidy sat with Barb for the next twenty minutes, supporting her and keeping her company. Barb had long been referring to Cassidy as the sister she had always wanted, and Cassidy felt the same way. She remembered her labor with Dylan vividly and completely understood Barb’s need for a break. A change of scenery was not an option at this point, so a change in company sometimes was exactly what the doctor ordered.

  Alex walked Nick to the cafeteria to find some coffee. They sat at a small table, and she watched as Nick stretched his neck and rubbed his temples. “Are you worried?” she asked.

  Nick shrugged. “Yeah. No….I don’t know. I just feel helpless.”

  “Was it like this with Cat too?”

  Nick nodded. “Pretty much. Just nothing I can really do, you know? Just wait.”

  “Everything is okay though; right?” Alex asked nervously.

  “Yeah. Seems to be,” he answered with a yawn. “We should get back though,” Nick said. “She wanted some time with Cassidy. I know that, but she won’t be happy if I’m gone too long.”

  Alex grabbed the coffee she had purchased for Cassidy and gave her brother an encouraging pat on the back. She had missed Cat’s birth while she was overseas working on a case for the NSA. She hated to admit that the underlying sense of anticipation and seeing Barb in the hospital bed had unsettled her. She led Nick down the long corridor until they reached the elevator. They rode together in silence, watching the floors tick by until a surprisingly loud “ding” startled them both. Reaching the room, Alex could hear the curse words flying from Barb’s mouth clearly. As Nick opened the door, she instantly saw that Cassidy was holding one of her sister-in-law’s hands while she rubbed the woman’s back gently with the other.

  “Jesus, I forgot how much this hurts!” Barb yelped in frustration as her contraction passed. Cassidy rubbed slow circles on her friend’s back and looked across to Alex, who had turned quite noticeably pale. She leaned into Barb’s ear and whispered something, and Alex watched Barb’s lips turn into the hint of a smile. “All right, Alex. You saved me from Nurse Nick’s walking remedy. You are free,” Barb declared.

  “We can stay,” Alex began.

  “No, no,” Barb said. “Cassidy tells me the boys will be here any minute. You two will have your hands full, for sure.”

  Cassidy placed a soft kiss on Barb’s forehead. Barb smiled at her, and she made her way to Nick, clasping his hand. “Hang in there. I’m sure it won’t be that long now,” Cassidy whispered.

  Alex handed Cassidy her coffee as they walked out the door. “Thanks,” Cassidy said. “You all right?” Cassidy asked her wife. Alex shrugged, and Cassidy could see the worry on Alex’s face. “She’ll be fine, Alex,” Cassidy assured. “She’s just uncomfortable, tired, and ready for it to be over.”

  They made their way slowly back toward the waiting room. Alex stopped abruptly before opening the door. “Was it like that? I mean, for you?” Alex asked her wife.

  Cassidy smiled. “You mean when I had Dylan?” Alex nodded. “A bit, I guess. I’ve had more pleasant experiences,” Cassidy laughed.

  Alex shuddered slightly as she opened the door. An excited seven-year-old bounced toward them, and Alex scooped him up. “Hey, Speed,” she greeted him with a bear hug.

  Cassidy leaned in to kiss Dylan’s head and took the opportunity to whisper in Alex’s ear. “If you had started to wonder,” she said. “It was worth every single second.”

  Alex turned to regard the twinkle in Cassidy’s eye. She felt Dylan’s head rest on her shoulder and smiled softly. “Yeah, I believe it,” she said.

  A black sedan pulled up outside the long stretch of townhouses and Christopher O’Brien stepped into the back. “Let’s take a drive,” the older man in the back seat commanded the driver. He made no move to turn to the congressman as he continued. “So, what exactly have you done this time?” the man asked.

  The tension emanating from the man beside him made O’Brien shift slightly in his seat. “I’m not certain I know what you mean,” he answered.

  “Well, Agent Krause and Agent Fallon both paid personal visits to Agent Toles last week. That’s not a very usual scenario. Both in one week,” the man said.

  “I don’t see what tha
t has to do with me,” O’Brien answered more pointedly than he had intended.

  “Really? I suppose it is some coincidence that you met with her last week, and suddenly Fallon appears in Connecticut followed by Krause?”

  O’Brien shifted again. “I couldn’t put off that meeting any longer.”

  “So, that’s why you called your ex-wife and threatened to take Dylan away the other day,” the man asked without turning. O’Brien’s surprise was evident. “What?” the man asked, finally moving to face the congressman. “I don’t recall instructing you to interfere in their lives.”

  “He’s my…”

  “No. I think we both know he is not. So, where did this idea come from? Or…did you think up this whole scam in the little thing we loosely refer to as your brain?” the man inquired.

  “I was told to make that meeting,” O’Brien reconsidered his answer momentarily. “I assumed the directive came from you.”

  “Well, that was your first mistake.”

  “Excuse me?” O’Brien replied.

  “Assuming,” the man answered. “And who should I thank for this debacle?” O’Brien swallowed the lump in his throat. He had assumed that the president’s request had, at the very least, been approved by the man beside him. “Do you care to enlighten me?” the man asked. “Or, should I guess?”

  “I was called to a meeting….”

  “Strickland,” the man mumbled in disgust. “Well, I shouldn’t be surprised. And what exactly did our ingenious leader ask you to do?” O’Brien hesitated. “I don’t want to ask again.”

  “He wanted me to get closer. Gave me something for Dylan.”

  The man’s sardonic laugh momentarily pierced the tension. “Strickland? Interested in a seven-year-old?” He shook his head. “I see. Dare I ask the motivation?”

  “Just a way to listen,” O’Brien’s voice dropped. “He said it would be imperceptible.”

  The man laughed harder. “Well, he apparently does not know Alex Toles or Jonathan Krause very well. You back off.”

  “I don’t think that is possible now,” the congressman said.